Short Bio
Eiji Oki, is a surgeon and medical oncologist. His specialty is clinical oncology, gastroenterological surgery, laparoscopic surgery.
He graduated medical school of Kyushu University at 1993 in Japan. After residency, He acquired a degree in a research on DNA repair in 1999. And he spent two years as research fellow in Department of Adult Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute from 1999 to 2001, and two years in National Kyushu Cancer center in Japan from 2008-2010. Currently, he is the leader of Gastro-intestinal surgery unit in the Department Surgery and Science, Kyushu University, in Japan.
He has hundreds of publications in the field of gastric and colorectal cancer, and plays a central role in some clinical oncology group in Japan (KSCC, JFMC).
Development of new robot-assisted surgical system suitable for the tele-surgery
Japan is experiencing a super-aging society both in rural and urban areas. A medical care service has become complicated and specialized every year. Therefore, it is difficult that all doctors handle all diseases. Thus, a chronic manpower shortage is one of main problem in medical issue. However, tele-surgery is not an applicable in clinical condition since it have some problems for realization. The significant problem is the network latency. In Japan, some companies including robotic companies, network operators, and research institutes cooperate and start an experimental study to establish a tele-surgery. We want to introduce practical realization of telesurgery, establishing a reasonable guideline for regulatory. As a basic study, we are investigating the impact of communication delay on the surgical technique. We will elucidate which techniques has problems by the communication delay and clarify the limit of communication delay. Next step is the experimental study for tele-surgery. We will start the tele-surgery between university hospital and area hospital using open network system in at least three area. Efficacy and safety will be confirmed in the experimental study. We will ultimately develop the next generation Japanese surgeon assist robot suitable for tele-surgery.