Osaka University Hospital

Established in:1869
Number of operations:11,023 surgeries/year
Outpatients:Outpatients 2,399.1/day, Inpatients 914.2/day
High-level acute phase treatment and advanced clinical research provided with comprehensive medical field collaboration and an excellent safety system
Osaka University Hospital annually performs over 10,000 surgeries, more than 25,000 anticancer drug treatments, about 60 solid organ transplantations, and advanced medical/surgical treatments in all fields. This performance is accomplished by all sections and departments working under excellent collaboration. In addition to conducting the most advanced medicine in Japan, our hospital has developed numerous clinical trials and clinical research, developed new medical treatments, and contributed to the advance of medical science. These long-standing efforts were appreciated, and our government appointed Osaka University Hospital as one of the first three core hospitals for clinical research in Japan in 2015.
University hospitals were imagined with some apprehension, that education of medical personnel would be given higher priority than actual treatment in some cases. This is not true. Because a university hospital is a teaching hospital, staff has to show “reasonable” medical treatment to young doctors. Their medical care cannot rely on personal assumptions and experiences, but should rely on firm scientific evidence. Also, novel trials must be based on strict and well organized rules. As we have to teach all medical fields, all specialties must function properly regardless of economic efficacy, and someone can respond with expertise even if unforeseen circumstances occur. For these reasons of trustworthiness, university hospitals are the most reliable medical institutions in many countries, and our Osaka University Hospital is indeed one too.
In today’s aging society, patients usually do not just have a single disease. Patients to be treated have many complications, which cannot be dealt with by a single doctor, a single department, or a hospital specified for a single issue. Our Osaka University Hospital has the merit of comprehensiveness throughout all of the medical fields, under tight collaboration between all clinical sections and departments, and we will strive to maximize our efforts in treating patients as well as in developing future medical science.
When attempting something “new” or something “difficult”, the most important concern is “safety”. Our hospital has taken on the secretariat’s role at Japan’s national university hospital safety management council, and we are proud of being a leading hospital of medical safety issues in Japan. There is no “zero risk” in medicine. We would like to do our utmost to provide patients safe treatment, under consent about medical risk to our patients, and seeking always to minimize the risks. Our comprehensive medical capacity should help to minimize them.
Our Osaka University Hospital has some disadvantages; it is located far from the city center, has a shortage of parking spaces, long waiting times even with appointments, etc. We must ask you to use public transportation (monorail or bus services) as much as possible at your visit. In addition, we hope that stabilized patients whose treatment is completed or determined will “make way” for those who have to start new treatment. We will provide a referral letter so that you can receive continuous medical treatment in cooperation with a medical institution nearby.
Coming 25 years ago from Nakanoshima (central downtown) Hospital, I personally thought this building was tremendously huge. Since then the number of medical staff including doctors and nurses has doubled, and our medical services have become so advanced and complex, now our hospital space seems to be very narrow and crowded. We have a plan to redevelop the hospital (expand and rebuild) if we get approval from the government. To all our dearest patients, we are sorry for any inconveniences due to our buildings, but all of our staff will do our utmost in medical treatment for you. Thank you for your understanding.
Principles The Osaka University Hospital shall provide high-quality medical care services and contribute to the fostering of medical professionals and medical development. Fundamental Policies To provide patient-centered, safe and reliable holistic medical care services To develop and implement advanced medical care and future medical technology To contribute to social and community medical care services To foster excellent medical professionals rich in humanity Protection of Patients’ Rights Patients shall receive medical treatment that respects them as people. Patients shall receive safe, high-quality medical care services. Patients shall receive satisfactory explanations and information. Patients shall be able to select their preferred treatment at their discretion. Patients’ privacy (personal information) shall be protected. Obligations of Patients Patients shall adhere to the rules defined by the Osaka University Hospital and refrain from creating any nuisance. To describe one’s medical condition as accurately as possible. To communicate one’s intentions and opinions in order to receive the most appropriate course of treatment. To understand the course of treatment and provide cooperation. To accurately report one’s healthcare insurance, and pay the medical fee incurred. Ogata Koan The Osaka Prefectural Government formed a temporary hospital/medical school at Daifukuji in 1869. Ogata Koreyoshi, an heir of Koan, along with Ikuzo, his brother-in-law, and Sessai, his adopted son, were involved in the foundation of the hospital. The medical school was reorganized as the Osaka University Hospital after many changes. The principles of the Osaka University Hospital owe much to Koan’s philosophy